Saturday, February 10, 2007

I have been a bit under the weather the last few days. Wednesday afternoon at work, I began to feel sluggish and feverish, so I decided to head home and get some rest. Later that night my stomach began to feel queasy and that lead to a case of the ‘back door trots’ or the 'running off' as we called it growing up. (Do you have the 'running off,' my mother would ask) --Seems kinda funny now, but sounded perfectly normal back then.

Anyway, ---Not a fun time, and this went on most of the night and part of the next day. Then Friday morning, I felt somewhat better, albeit tired and unenergetic, but I decided to go back to work nevertheless and hopefully get some things accomplished. It was a pretty productive day and I felt better as the day went along.

But then, last night, it all started again. No, no, no, I said, I’m supposed to be getting better! ---All to no avail. I was up again all last night. Once I even slipped and fell on the bathroom rug, as I was making a mad dash to the comfort station. (no, I wasn’t hurt, just a little disheveled).

I’m better today, but again feel drained and tired.Ugh.

I ate some no-fat Pringles on Wednesday and again on Friday, you know, the new kind with the fat substitute olestra (also called olean). I can’t imagine that would make this happen to me, but I have read that olestra can have this side effect in about 2% of people that eat them. Funny thing is, I’ve eaten them before, several months back and was fine. So maybe I just have a bug.

Who knows?? But I don’t plan on eating no-fat Pringles again any time soon. (They sure were good though and with only half the calories as regular Pringles).

Hope you’re having a good day anyway.


eileen~ said...

Glad you are better, I think quite honestly the olestra probably was the culprit. The same thing happens to me when I eat the chips that are flavored (like dill pickle chips) because of the monsodium glutamate.....and I do love those chips. :)

Mason said...

Wow, thanks for the descriptive blog.

Carol said...

Thanks Eileen.

Dill-pickle flavored chips? Never heard of them, but they sound good. (Hey are you a member of the RWPPS? --See Bo's blog)

Have you tried the new Jalapeno Cheddar flavored Doritos? Those are pretty good.

Carol said...

You betcha Mason!

Mamaw 28 said...

I here to tell you that I will not be trying the no-fat pringles. I'm glad you are beginning to feel better.

eileen~ said...

I can't tell though, right. Membership in RWPPS is secret...:)

I haven't tried the doritos but will get some next time I'm at the store. Have you ever had a peanut butter dill pickle sandwich? Sounds weird, I know but it is really tasty...

Carol said...

Thanks Mary Helen.

A peanut butter dill pickle sandwich? Never had one or even heard of one. LOL. I'll have to try that sometime. ....Maybe.

Glenda, saved by grace said...

Carol, What a stinky thing to write about... LOL. Well while were talking about it, DONT try the new diet pills that have just come over the counter. They have the same effect only faster than the olestra. Believe me I've tried both and they both made me RUN to the house!

Carol said...

Well, I guess that's one way to loose weight!

Mason said...

What is this blog turning into? Is this the new place women come to congregate about what kind of foods not to eat?