Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Don't Ever Bowl In Tennis Shoes

Yesterday Bo, Mason & I were just sitting around the house, not doing much of anything and a little bored, so we decided to go bowling since we had such a good time bowling on Christmas Day. As we were driving over to the bowling alley, I told Bo I thought I would just bowl in my tennis shoes because I don’t like the idea of wearing shoes that have been worn by many other people, all of whom I do not know, AND don’t know what kind of fungus might be growing on their feet. Bo told me he didn’t think they allowed people to bowl in their tennis shoes and that it probably wasn’t a good idea anyway because my feet wouldn’t slide properly. I told him that I was going to try it anyway, and if I wasn’t supposed to, the bowling employees would probably come and tell me. Bo again told me he really didn’t think I should do that, but I, being the independent person I am, said I will just try it and see how it works out. I waited over to the side while Bo & Mason got their shoes and we got assigned a lane, then we all picked out a ball. Mason bowled first and then sat down as I got up to bowl. I did my usual technique ….step one, two, three, four, slide. ----And slide I did! I slid over the line and busted my rear end fell hard on my backside. Then I couldn’t get up. I fell a couple of more times as I tried. The floor across the line was so slippery it felt like I was on ice, only magnified a couple of times. I would put my weight on one foot trying to stand and my foot would slip out from under me. By this time, people were watching me and Bo was cracking up laughing. I finally sort of inched my way to the other side of the line and got up, feeling like a total idiot, but laughing hard myself. I almost took a bow to all the people watching, but decided against it. After catching my breath and acknowledging to Bo that he sure was right, I promptly limped over to the counter and asked for a pair of bowling shoes. Needless to say, I will not try that again! My backside is still pretty sore today. ----So if anybody out there is as dumb as me and thinks they will try bowling in their tennis shoes, take my advice and DON’T! (And always listen to you spouse).


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for that story - it got a big laugh out of me. I wish I had been there but you told it so descriptively that I felt like I was.
hope your bum gets better. I'll think twice before taking your bowling advice from now on.

Rudy said...

Yes do listen to your Husband..He is right most of the time...(lol lol lol)

Carol said...

I think that's a good plan, Jocelyne. Guess I'm not quite the bowling expert I thought I was.

And yes, Rudy, my husband is right alot. Why in the heck don't I listen to him more?

Anonymous said...

I think you should have taken a bow. Good entertainment is hard to come by!!! I hope things are feeling better now and I'm glad you didn't break anything.

Carol said...

Yes, I'm much better now. Thanks. Even though good entertainment is hard to come by, I think I would rather be an observer than the star of the show. LOL

eileen~ said...

FUNNY!!! :) I'm just as independent, not always to our beneift right??

Happy bowling!

Carol said...

No, it is not Eileen, and can sometimes be a detriment, I think. I need to work on that.

Anonymous said...

I will forever have a "Remember when I told you?" It prob. will not do much good though. It really was funny. Those of you who know Carol know that she doesnt get in that postion often. She did handle it very well.