Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jeff Foxworthy said: "You might be a redneck if you spend at least forty hours a week at Walmart and you don't work there." Sometimes I feel like I spend that much time there. I really don't, but I know that hardly ever does two or three days go by that I'm not there. I do all my grocery shopping there and for some reason I just can't get all my grocery shopping done once a week like my mother did while I was growing up, so I have to keep going back to get stuff. I am glad that I live only a couple of miles from Walmart instead of the 80 miles away I used to live. How did I survive back then without Walmart being close by?


Anonymous said...

Wow, Carol, you really need to get more organized. Should I give you a lesson in list making? :P

Carol said...

A lesson in list making would be great, Jocelyne. Who knows, maybe I could get rid of things such as question marks on my lists.

Anonymous said...

Ok, truth be known - I have picked up a lot of good organizational tips from you along the way. I was so excited this weekend because I went to Target and bought a file cabinet like yours and put all my folders together with nice little tabs. It is SUCH a good feeling!

Carol said...

Wow. I'm impressed, Jocelyne. It does feel good to be organized.

eileen~ said...

I am actually having WalMart withdrawl symptoms, with the blizzards and road conditions the last several weeks here in Colorado I haven't been in almost a month. Can you imagine??
